Articles tagged with: innovation
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A challenge for loyalty marketers today is the inability to get an aggregate view of their base across all digital assets
Originally posted by PARNEET GOSAL – SeedWalker
– website, Facebook Twitter, YouTube, Flickr etc. and hence a myopic reward system that offers discounts or rewards for behavior on specific channels only and not across the entire digital eco-system.
Business, Design, Featured, News, Technology »
Originally posted by PARNEET GOSAL – SeedWalker
This month has seen two major innovations that may well play a big part in helping publishers adapt to changing reading habits, with a little help from Al Gore. Both are focused primarily on the e-book and tablet market, two markets with meteoric growth projections.
Business, Ideas, Opinion »
Originally posted by BEN MALBON
I was ruminating on David Armano’s new role at Edelman, as EVP, Global Innovation & Integration (details here). Armano describes his new role as ‘doing what keeps your business on the front line’. There’s been a rash of Chief Innovation Officer / Director of Innovation roles within agency groups and holding companies.